Weekend Group Run

There will be two group running places Location A Parsippany Lake🎄 Christmas Tree 🎄跑 Distance : 5 miles or More Rounting: https://www.strava.com/routes/3169453666324297336 Group Leader:📍 黑猫白猫 ; 📍Zhebing 志冰 📍Meet Up:535 Lake Shore Dr, Parsippany-Troy Hills, NJ 07054 Note: 1) You can park near the lake 2) Everyone in the residential area should talkin a low voice as...

Year-End Group Run

12/30周六 罗斯福公园2023岁末群跑通知: 时间:8:00 am地点: 停车场 GPS:https://goo.gl/maps/JQ1DgV2GFBWMhccE6 领跑队长: Jenny,QC “跑出”2023,迎接2024!欢迎大家自由发挥,跑出自己的2023 20.23k,20.23miles,2023秒,20x23间歇跑…… 罗斯福公园有平地,坡,树林,湖,newly paved asphalt trail,all season skating rink, 小桥流水,natural spring,one and only “Light Dispelling Darkness” fountain sculpture. 中途回停车场 补给方便。multiple Climate controlled 卫生间 欢迎新老朋友们,周六一起欢乐跑

2024 Happy New Year Run

Since 2020, the Greenway New Year's perpetual calendar run has become a tradition for Love to Run, inspiring avid runners to push their limits. From 4 miles to infinity, their dedication and passion for this event continue to inspire others towards a healthier, happier life. Lace up your sneakers and join the journey towards being...

Weekend Group Run

Location A:  Johnson Park in Highland Park NJ 📍Parking Lot and Meet up Location GPS: 40.5078609, -74.4470746Google Map Link:https://maps.app.goo.gl/6eXxABFy1B6sDwEP7Group Leader: Yiwen 亦文,Panxing 盼星 Johnson Park is one of the earliest running bases for runners. The park has wide trails and jogging paths that extend along the edge of the Raritan River. Runners can run on...

Weekend Group Run

There will be two group running places Location A: Oak Ridge Park Parking Lot: East Side Parking Lot136 Oak Ridge Rd, Clark, NJGPS: (40.6071853, -74.3433740); Google link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/maW7gdifKuQzLMCJ6 Group Leaders: 狗哥, Lisa; LizzyPace & Distances: Optional Oak Ridge is one of the favorite group running bases for running enthusiasts. Here, you’ll find vast expanses of green...

Weekend Group Run

Two Location this week Location A: Roosevelt Park Address:151 Parsonage Rd, Edison, NJ 08837Parking lot:https://goo.gl/maps/JQ1DgV2GFBWMhccE6GPS Location: 40.55111812055952, -74.340655035582Leaders:Kent、Rachel 8:05: 拍集体照,早到早跑者争取8:05回来拍照 最近罗斯福很香啊,几次群跑都在这里,为什么呢?-- 有山有水,是备赛各种大小全马半马及欢乐健身的风水宝地!跑道各种组合,任你选择:缓的陡的,平铺直叙的,上下起伏的,拐弯抹角的;小桥流水留影,楼台亭阁起舞,林道跑姿得瑟;孤影风驰狂奔自我挑战,三五成群打卡充数也算。龙润,法特雷克,练节奏,跑恢复;自由舞台,远的近的,早安爱跑,众乐乐一起吧!!! 数据供参考:1)罗斯福绕湖一圈0.56迈2)罗斯福傍湖外圈0.79迈3)CW Shady Loop0.71迈(上坡下坡),陡坡5%,0.15迈4)Footbridge to Pine Drive 3% Climb:0.49迈,坡度3% 当然停车场有卫生间,必须空调五星装备。 Location B: Orange Reservoir 地点:爱迪生罗斯福公园Parking Location:https://maps.app.goo.gl/8mKRBVBgXVGyiRhv8GPS 坐标: 40.76410, -74.28838Meetup Location:  Opposite the parking lot, cross the road, enter the park, and you’ll reach a...