Year-End Group Run

12/30周六 罗斯福公园2023岁末群跑通知: 时间:8:00 am地点: 停车场 GPS: 领跑队长: Jenny,QC “跑出”2023,迎接2024!欢迎大家自由发挥,跑出自己的2023 20.23k,20.23miles,2023秒,20x23间歇跑…… 罗斯福公园有平地,坡,树林,湖,newly paved asphalt trail,all season skating rink, 小桥流水,natural spring,one and only “Light Dispelling Darkness” fountain sculpture. 中途回停车场 补给方便。multiple Climate controlled 卫生间 欢迎新老朋友们,周六一起欢乐跑

2024 Happy New Year Run

Since 2020, the Greenway New Year's perpetual calendar run has become a tradition for Love to Run, inspiring avid runners to push their limits. From 4 miles to infinity, their dedication and passion for this event continue to inspire others towards a healthier, happier life. Lace up your sneakers and join the journey towards being...

Weekend Group Run

Location A:  Johnson Park in Highland Park NJ 📍Parking Lot and Meet up Location GPS: 40.5078609, -74.4470746Google Map Link: Leader: Yiwen 亦文,Panxing 盼星 Johnson Park is one of the earliest running bases for runners. The park has wide trails and jogging paths that extend along the edge of the Raritan River. Runners can run on...

Weekend Group Run

There will be two group running places Location A: Oak Ridge Park Parking Lot: East Side Parking Lot136 Oak Ridge Rd, Clark, NJGPS: (40.6071853, -74.3433740); Google link: Group Leaders: 狗哥, Lisa; LizzyPace & Distances: Optional Oak Ridge is one of the favorite group running bases for running enthusiasts. Here, you’ll find vast expanses of green...

Weekend Group Run

Two Location this week Location A: Roosevelt Park Address:151 Parsonage Rd, Edison, NJ 08837Parking lot: Location: 40.55111812055952, -74.340655035582Leaders:Kent、Rachel 8:05: 拍集体照,早到早跑者争取8:05回来拍照 最近罗斯福很香啊,几次群跑都在这里,为什么呢?-- 有山有水,是备赛各种大小全马半马及欢乐健身的风水宝地!跑道各种组合,任你选择:缓的陡的,平铺直叙的,上下起伏的,拐弯抹角的;小桥流水留影,楼台亭阁起舞,林道跑姿得瑟;孤影风驰狂奔自我挑战,三五成群打卡充数也算。龙润,法特雷克,练节奏,跑恢复;自由舞台,远的近的,早安爱跑,众乐乐一起吧!!! 数据供参考:1)罗斯福绕湖一圈0.56迈2)罗斯福傍湖外圈0.79迈3)CW Shady Loop0.71迈(上坡下坡),陡坡5%,0.15迈4)Footbridge to Pine Drive 3% Climb:0.49迈,坡度3% 当然停车场有卫生间,必须空调五星装备。 Location B: Orange Reservoir 地点:爱迪生罗斯福公园Parking Location: 坐标: 40.76410, -74.28838Meetup Location:  Opposite the parking lot, cross the road, enter the park, and you’ll reach a...

Weekend Group Run

Two Location this week Location A: Greenway 停车场 (乐天超市)GPS: 40.534268, -74.348604 领队:Selina, Jeff跑多少距离自己决定😊 Location B: West Orange 停车场: 40.76410, -74.28838 集合地点: 停车场对面,过了马路,进了公园就到一个亭子集合。合照後就開跑。 领队:建宁,兆华  北湖一圈1.67迈,三圈正好5迈。步道平整,山环水秀,风景优美,路线简单,如厕和補给方便。适合欢乐跑,节奏跑,长距离跑,恢复跑,想怎么跑就怎么跑。不管你是順時針或逆時針跑,絕對不會迷路的,還時不時會碰到不同配速的队友在同一个跑道上刷圈

Weekend Group Run

One Location for celebrate Lunar New Year Day Roosevelt Park (大年初一)为了大家可以一起跑跑跳跳跨龙年,群委决定集中一地群跑罗斯福公园群跑通知:时间:8:00-9:30am地点:爱迪生罗斯福公园地址: 坐标: 40.55111812055952, -74.340655035582 领队:建宁、 棒哥 Zhu Man, Lisa Zhang: Zhu Man 春季的各项比赛已经/马上就要来临,小伙伴们需要爬坡增加腿部力量以适应赛道的挑战。罗斯福公园 有山有水,是备赛各种大小全马半马及欢乐健身的风水宝地!跑道各种组合,任你选择:缓的陡的,平铺直叙的,上下起伏的,拐弯抹角的;小桥流水留影,楼台亭阁起舞,林道跑姿得瑟;孤影风驰狂奔自我挑战,三五成群打卡充数也算。龙润,法特雷克,练节奏,跑恢复;自由舞台,远的近的,早安爱跑,众乐乐一起吧!!

Weekend Group Run

Two Locations this week (由于周五晚到周六雪❄️,为安全起见群跑取消) Location A: 罗斯福公园 地点: 停车场 GPS: 领队:Jungle, 闪闪,Grace Z 罗斯福公园有平地,坡,树林,湖,newly paved asphalt trail, all season skating rink, 小桥流水,natural spring,One and only “Light Dispelling Darkness” fountain sculpture. 中途回停车场🅿️补给方便。 multiple Climate controlled 卫生间 * 备注:鉴于周六天气预报午前有雪,请大家7:00AM注意大群通知,如雪大为了安全起见只能取消本次群跑。 Location B: 北湖 为什么又是北湖?因为冬天雨雪多,北湖路况好。不是有首著名的流行歌曲唱“北湖的阳光….”吗?小伙伴们可以再次享受一下北湖的阳光!☀️🌤️ 时间:早上8:00am,合影+WARM UP 停车场: 40.76410, -74.28838 集合地点: 停车场对面,过了马路,进了公园就到一个亭子集合。合照後就開跑。 领队:日月交辉; Ping Chen 

Weekend Group Run

One Location this week ( 欢庆元宵节) Location : Loantaka Brook Reservation 📍Meet Up 地址:468 South St, Morristown, NJ 07962 🅿️ 停车定位: 468 South St, Morristown, NJ 07962 📍領隊:  歡喜🧹 Sweep: Samantha 📍 Distance距離 :  3-6-9-12 miles 或以上,多种选择, 需要跑超长距离者,建议熟悉路的朋友可以先到先跑(7:00am-8:00am之间). 路况为树荫下的柏油马路,路跑鞋即可,公共厕所方便🚻 温馨提醒: It’s rare that the weekend group run and the Lantern Festival are on the same day. Let’s welcome this big festival in the Spring...

Zoom — “跑步伤痛,恢复,预防”分享

敬请伙伴们届时一边继续正月十五元宵汤圆, 一边参和爱跑跑步鸡汤‼1) 简介跑步伤痛2)Calf/Hamstring 怎么伤的,如何恢复的, 如何不再伤 (@李晖 Hui Li 全马 )3) 膝盖,脚踝, 脚趾,脚底 伤痛症状, 原因, 止痛措施 (@Kent-全马 )伤痛中的训练和比赛-我的看法平常避免伤痛的一些小做法4)常用恢复训练器械,预防性训练器械/方法, 如何区分假性和真的受伤(也就是需不需要修养)(@兆华-全马 )5)个人体会(@Jun Zhao-全马 )6)麦队总结补充 Love To Run is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: “跑步伤痛, 回复, 预防”分享会 - Love to RunTime: Feb 25, 2024 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Disclaimer: Long...